If everyone who was eligible gave, there would be an abundant supply of blood for all of the people who need it, including cancer patients, trauma and burn victims, people who have had a major surgery, and others. If you are eligible, find a drive at and donate as soon as you can. Those who got tattooed at an unregulated shop should wait 3 months before donating blood. For instance, some people believe that you can’t donate if you have a tattoo. If you have questions, a complete list of all of the conditions of eligibility criteria is at.There are just a handful of medications that make people ineligible and others that require the person who takes them wait a period of time before donating. If you take some specific medications, you may not be eligible.The concerns relate to diseases that are common in other parts of the world, like malaria, variant Creutzfeld Jacob Disease (“Mad Cow” Disease), the zika virus, and ebola. within the past 3 years, you may have to answer additional questions about where you traveled and how. There are a few things that disqualify a person who meets the criteria above from donating: For your own safety, it is important to wait the appropriate amount of time between donations. More than 56 days away from your last blood donation.At least 17 and at least 110 lbs., though people age 16 and who meet the weight minimum can donate blood with their parents’ consent in some states.A brief medical exam in advance of your donation will ensure you are well enough to give. If you have had COVID, you are eligible to give as soon as you have recovered. A slight scratchy throat, for instance, does not disqualify you. As long as you don’t have any cold or flu symptoms and you have adequate iron in your blood, you are eligible from a health standpoint. Please review the basic eligibility criterial below to see if you’re eligible. In fact, the American Red Cross has declared a national blood crisis for the first time in its 140-year history. These two circumstances have led to a major blood shortage. More than 21 million units of blood components are transfused each year. At the same time, the need for blood is high. Millions of Americans are eligible to give blood, but many of them don’t know it. Categories: WELLNESS, 2022 Can I Give Blood?